Thursday, April 30, 2009

Right Here Waiting For You

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times
That I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' CrAzY

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' cRaZy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I really like this song. because if I heard this song, remind me to be with someone who had become a beautiful part in my life

bad day!

hari ini bener bener ngebosenin banget, ngebetein juga
aku kesel banget ya sama orang dirumah, janji mau jemput kesekolah sampe gue jam 5 nunggu disekolah, ternyata eng ing eng, ngga ada yang jemput sampe gue naik ojek kerumah. pas nyampe rumah gue laper banget, ternyata ngga ada makanan. sumpah ya itu yang namanya kesel, kesel bangeeeeeeeeeet. gue nelfonin temen gue ngga diangkat. dan yang paling engga banget nya ada orang yang pernah jadi pacar gue janji mau ngabarin gue kalo udah nyampe di jakarta, dan ternyata gue ngga dikabarin, boro boro dikabarin ya kampret, pas sama sama ol bareng di msn aja dia engga nyapa gue, ha ha ha sumpah yaaaaaaaaaaaaa expert banget boong nya. geliiii gue sama semuanya. pengen nangis rasanya, dan akhirnya gue nyampe rumah itu jam setengan 6 sore, langsung tidur sampe jam 9. dan pas bangun gue bingung mesti pake kostum apa buat NASA idol haru jumat, errrrrrrrrrrr bener bener deh ini hari tuhhhh, bad daaaaaaaaaaaaaay banget buat gue hah!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This according to me ya

eh eh gue berpendapat ya, kalo kita lagi dalem kesulitan atau ada masalah yang bener bener ngga bisa kita hadepin, itu lebih baik gue mendem rasa itu sendiri.
dari pada gue cerita ke temen temen gue hasilnya cuma ketawaan,
ucapan "sabar ya" ato malah bikin elo tambah down mending di pendem aja deh ya, belom tentu juga kan orang tempat elo cerita tuh bakal ngejaga rahasia elo dengan baik? hemmm tapi kalo emang bener2 elo ngerasa engga kuat dan butuh saran, mendingan elo sharing ke sahabat yang bener bener 'elo banget' jangan ke temen yang ngga pedulian. karena itu malah bikin elo tambah bete.
sooooo that according to me. you want to come up with suggestions, or I do not, ok?

I do not what to do

Hey, aku mau cerita lagiiiiiiii huhu
aku lagi bingung deh.
aku gatau aku salah apa ke mantan aku,
tiba tiba yang biasanya dia masih suka chat atau ngasih kabar ke aku, sekarang dia beda. ngga pernah nyapa di msn,
wall juga bales nya cuma gitu2 doang.

aku bener2 bingung apa yang harus aku buat, apa salah aku yang ngebuat dia jadi beda sekarang.
apa mungkin dia udah bener2 lupa sama aku dan dapet perempuan yang jauh lebih baik dari aku? aku lagi bener2 butuh bantuan,
tapi aku bingung minta bantu ke siapa,
aku gamau sampe nantinya dia udah bener2 males sama aku, aku takuuuuut huhu

dia ngga tau apa ya kalo aku sayang sama dia, kalo aku bener2 ngebutuhin dia.
aku juga gapunya temen untung sharing semua masalah aku, mereka semua sibuk sama masalah2 nya sendiri.
minta bantuan ke kaka angkat aku yang namanya ka caca juga maluuuuu.
aku udah sering ngerepotin diaaaaaaa, jadi sekarang aku cuma bisa diem,
semoga aja ya masalah aku ini cepet clear, batu doanya juga yaaaaa :')

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


heeeeeeeeeeey, aku mau cerita deh
masa ya 2 hari lagi mantan gue yang sekarang di krida mau balik ke jakarta,
dia kan abis UN gitu, nahhhh sekarang tuh udah selesai,
gue ngga mau ngarep banyak sih dia bakal dateng ketemu sama gue apa engga,
sebenernya sihhh adalah rasa kangen hehehe,
tapi yaudah lah yaaaaaaa,
dia tuh udah mutusin aku 2 kaliiiii,
api gatau tuh ya kenapa aku masih bisa baik gituuuuu, hemmmm.

gimana ya caranya biar bisa ketemu sama dia?
dia kayanya udah males gitu deh sama gue, gatau apa salah gue.
apa emang anak anak asrama kaya gitu sifatnya?
main nembak, asal tinggal. huuuu
gimana dong ya?
padahal gue pengen banget nyambut dia yang baru aja dapet kebebasan hahaha
ah gue gatau ah, liat aja nanti dia main kerumah apa enggak hihi

udah dulu deh ya bingung mau nulis apa lagi, hehe. bye

my life and my family

I will be telling stories about the family life of me,
I was born in the middle of the middle of family harmony,
I rarely hear the cry of my mother and father because of a quarrel.
they always look happy, I am grateful. I have family and I have a problem the weight for us,
my father playing a woman. mother wept every night, until finally my mother asks for divorce.
My mother is a woman who is very patient.
I am proud of the mother.
I, my mother and my younger sister woman named Mia finally moved my father to leave home,
have compassion for my father, but that my mother deserves a word.
until finally, the mother of my positive pregnancy,
I knit family, all in the back from the beginning again.
I have a brother and a small men who called Bintang.
he is our savior family, if he was not born to this world, is not what happens now
but any way I remain with my mother, my father and my brother all his younger brother,
family story is that I am. the back harmony, though not too happy as before


ketika cinta muncul, aku tak sadar
ketika banyak ucapan cinta terdengar, aku hiraukan
ketika kekhawatiran mengunjungiku, aku risihkan
cinta itu abstrak, tak bisa digambarkan
dapat muncul dengan tak disengaja dengan orang yang tak ditetapkan

kini cinta pergi, tetapi aku bodoh
cinta hilang, aku tangiskan
mengapa begini?
tak disadari aku telah sia siakan bagian yang terindah didalam hidupku

penyesalan, aku benci dengan kata itu
tetapi, kata itu yang telah datang menghampiri keheningan malam ku
sesal akan diriku yang telah meragukan rasa indah yang datang

betapa lelah yang kurasakan,
sampai air mata tak dapat mewakili apa yang kurasa
bagai anak kecil yang kehilangan gulali manis,
menangis mencari gulali manisnya
itulah rasa yang ada didalam hatiku

tetapi, aku tetap lah aku.
wanita yang mempunyai pendirian yang tangguh
tak akan mengemis rasa yang telah hilang untukku,
biarlah semua mengalir seperti apa adanya
karena, itu semua tak dapat dipaksakan

Monday, April 27, 2009

feelings of confusion

I am confused, why is it called a confusing relationship?
sometimes it feels very beautiful.
but I feel alone like a tired sometimes.
a painful, sometimes confusing create tired.
but many people who can not live without men.
I do not like
out with women who think like that.
as women we really need is love,
but for what you have,
but our heart was tired it?
I am sure,
will have the life my later. may not now,
I still aged 15 years. not yet understand love.
so, I will try with all this was slowly but surely: ')

meaning of love

love is something that can not be defined,
love has the nature of the neutral
he never says to come,
he never went to the
Is the water that flows so swift in a waterfall,
so is the nature of love,
how it is.
love that can not be hidden.
many people consider that when we love someone,
we do not need to have someone who we love it.
but there is only feeling to see people we love even if not happy with us or hurt us feel that view, but the pain will disappear quickly when we can see the happy smile that we love.
it is love,
difficult to disclosed,
but have a meaning that is very big,
all the beautiful people surely feel the love, sweet love and its bitter love

ago came away

men, he is a very authoritative according to me,

he was the first men I know impish and naughty is now men who have a good,
big and firm voice.
he can make me fall in love.

he was my elementary school friend, do not get why.
I can be close to her even though a very far distance,
and I in him at the Taruna Nusantara Senior High School.
oh yes, now we have go to senior high school,
not elementary school children who do not understand what.
I skip weeks 3 days with him,
I understand the situation he is difficult to use mobile phones,

how I try to be patient. but he left and now he has another girl friend.
I was heart sick.
but I try to single-minded :)

Hello World

helooo all, I Nabila
I am happy to finally join you all the same
oh ya, thanks are due to drop in my blog yaaaaaaaaaaa